TEAM Global (The European-Atlantic Movement) would like to thank all our patrons for their continued support. ​
Mrs Juliet J d’A Campbell CMG
Former Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge
Keith Best
Former CEO of Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture and before that CEO of the Immigration Advisory Service.
Mark Damazer CBE
Former Controller BBC Radio 4, now Master of St Peter’s College, Oxford
Sir David Harrison CBE
Former Vice-Chancellor of Keele and Exeter Universities and Master of Selwyyn College, Cambridge
Dr. Jamie Patrick Shea
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, now Professor of Strategy and Security at University of Exeter and Senior Fellow at Friends of Europe, Brussels
The Lord Wallace of Saltaire
Former Government spokesperson in the House of Lords
Anthony Teasdale
Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service, the in-house research centre and think tank of the European Parliament. Teasdale is also a Visiting Senior Fellow at the European Institute of the London School of Economics (LSE) and co-author of The Penguin Companion to European Union
Professor Richard G Whitman
Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent. Senior Visiting Fellow at Chatham House. Director of the Global Europe Centre.
Augustine Tanner-Ihm
Theologian, Pastor, Presenter, Activist, Mentor, Speaker. Augustine Tanner-Ihm is an accomplished writer, theologian and speaker. He also educates and campaigns for judicial reform. He has spoken at several LGBTQ+ events such as the Stonewall National Workplace Conference and Pride and Glory Festival Manchester. He has also been a guest speaker at the Durham Student Union, BBC Breakfast, Church of England General Synod, the Houses of Parliament, and has featured numerous times on radio for the BBC by being an important figure in advocating for inclusion and diversion in the wider society.